
15 May 2020

Latest Scams Alert from Norfolk County Council Trading Standards

# PLEASE share with your networks #

Reporting scams

Reporting scams you receive helps us continue to build up intelligence on the scammers and how they target people.
You can report scams and get further advice from our partners the Citizens Advice consumer helpline: 0808 223 1133 (freephone) Citizens Advice consumer service website

You can also report Frauds, Cyber Crime and Phishing attempts to Action Fraud, the National Fraud & Cyber Crime reporting centre: 0300 123 2040 Action Fraud website

A resident has also had a call from a lady claiming to be from Domestic and General, Electrical appliance  insurers, she wanted to check his bank details, he declined and she put the phone down.  He has checked with Domestic and General and it wasn’t them so he has reported it.

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