Police Budget consultation now live – Have Your Say

Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner has launched his public consultation into the proposed budget for policing for 2024/25.

Norfolk residents are being asked whether the PCC should increase the police precept of council tax for the coming year.

The PCC has a statutory duty to set the police budget and, with this responsibility, make the decision on how much residents of Norfolk should pay towards the policing element of their council tax.

PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie will be engaging with the public over a twelve-week consultation period that will run until 5pm, Friday 24 November.

Engagement events across the county will take place to give Giles the opportunity to hear from residents about which areas of policing and services should be a priority for his spending plans over the next financial year.

Following discussions with Norfolk’s Chief Constable, Paul Sanford, it has become clear that additional funding is needed to maintain the quality of policing being delivered.

To help inform Giles’ spending proposals, the consultation will ask Norfolk residents two questions which are based on the six pillars outlined in the PCC’s Police, Crime and Community Safety Plan for Norfolk. The first asks residents to rank their priorities in order of importance.

The second question asks residents whether they would be prepared to pay more to ensure their police force continues to tackle these priorities in the future.

In the consultation documentation published this week, Giles said: “Every pound the constabulary spends is precious, and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) agree that Norfolk Constabulary is ‘Outstanding’ at delivering value for money.

“Sometimes, however, achieving value for money alone does not mean the constabulary can meet all the growing demands placed on it or make the necessary investments required to ensure services meet expectations, such as call times for 101 calls.

“To meet increased demands and costs, the law currently allows me to raise the policing element of council tax by just short of £10 a year (£9.99) for a Band D property. However, an increase of £10 would still leave the constabulary short of £3.9 million for 2024/25 against current spending plans.

“As in previous years, I am aware and concerned about the pressures on household budgets and the impact an increase in council tax could have for many. However, I am also conscious of the need to maintain the service Norfolk Constabulary currently provides to you, your loved ones, and local communities.

“The decision I must make is not straightforward or easy and involves balancing several complex factors, including your views.

“To do this, I have decided that, during this year’s consultation, we must have an open and frank conversation about the funding challenges that policing faces.

“I would specifically like to hear which areas of policing and services you think should be priorities in my spending plans, and if you are prepared to pay more to ensure these are protected in the future.”

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