• Greater Norwich Local Plan

  • TV Licence Scam warning for over 75’s


    Just to make you aware there are scam mails being sent to over 75’s


    We are aware of several phishing email scams and fraudulent contacts that claim to be from the BBC and/or TV Licensing.

    I can appreciate your concern, and TV Licensing have published a guide to help combat this which you can find here – https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/faqs/FAQ288

    We would advise that you do not enter personal details or click any of the content and delete the email. We would also suggest bringing this to the attention of TV Licensing directly as well, who can be contacted via the following details – https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/faqs/FAQ11

    I do hope this information is helpful and thanks for taking the time to contact us at the BBC.

  • Norovirus

    24 September 2019

    Public Information Notice: Help prevent the spread of Norovirus

    Norfolk residents are being urged to help prevent the spread of Norovirus as several cases of the virus have been seen in the county

    Norovirus is the most common stomach bug in the UK It is highly contagious and can affect people of all ages although it shouldn’t normally last more than a couple of days

    Outbreaks of Norovirus in public places, such as hospitals, schools and nursing homes, are common because the virus can survive for several days on surfaces or objects touched by an infected person

    To prevent its spread, public health officials are asking people to ensure they wash their hands frequently with warm, soapy water and are also asking anyone with vomiting and diarrhoea to remain at home and off work or school for at least 48 hours after their last symptoms It’s important to note that cleaning hands with anti-bacterial gel alone does not remove the Norovirus and that warm soapy water should be used

    Norovirus is unpleasant but usually something that normally healthy people can recover from at home without the need to see a doctor People should try to avoid going to their GP if they think they have Norovirus as it can spread to others very easily and it’s particularly important not to spread the virus to people who are already unwell

    Symptoms of Norovirus include initially feeling sick followed by vomiting and diarrhoea Some people may also have a raised temperature, headaches, painful stomach cramps and aching limbs

    Dr Louise Smith, Director of Public Health at Norfolk County Council, said: “Anyone affected by the bug should let it run its course as there is no specific cure for Norovirus

    “There are lots of things you can do to help prevent its spread As well as washing hands regularly with soap and warm water, try to avoid direct contact as far as possible with other people or preparing food for others until at least 48 hours after your symptoms have disappeared People with symptoms should go home from work or school immediately and stay away for 48 hours You may still be contagious, even though you no longer have sickness or diarrhoea

    “Our priority is to avoid the spread of the virus to GP practices, care homes and hospitals where it may put vulnerable people at risk and affect staff Norovirus is more serious and even more easily spread among people who are already ill”

    Preventing the spread of Norovirus
    Norovirus is easily spread If an infected person doesn’t wash their hands before handling food, they can pass the virus on to others You can also catch it by touching contaminated surfaces or objects

    To help prevent the virus spreading, the following measures should be followed:

    • Wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water
    • Don’t share towels and flannels
    • Disinfect surfaces that an infected person has touched
    • Clean toys and use personal protection (eg apron, gloves) to clean up

    Treating Norovirus
    If you have Norovirus, following the steps below can help ease your symptoms:
    • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
    • Take paracetamol for any fever or aches and pains
    • If you feel like eating, eat foods that are easy to digest

    Extra care should also be taken to prevent babies and small children who have diarrhoea and vomiting from dehydrating by giving them plenty of fluids

    For more advice and information visit wwwnhsuk/norovirus


  • Public Notice

    A Public Spaces Protection Order has been implemented across the whole of Broadland District requiring those in charge of dogs to clear up after them on all land open to the public.

    The order is in effect as of 1st March 2019.  Please see notice below.

    Dog Fouling Parish public notice

  • Police Notice

    Police Notice

    Regarding the recent burglaries in the Broadland area, the Police have asked if people can ring in if they see anyone hanging around residential areas that  look out of place.

  • Enthusiastic and proactive people with a passion for the outdoors required

    The Norfolk Local Access Forum is comprised of up to 22 people covering a range of interests in countryside access in Norfolk, including walking; cycling; horse riding; landowners; conservation; other interests (including health, tourism, business, access for all, heritage, education).  The Forum provides independent advice to a number of organisations including Norfolk County Council on improving access to land in Norfolk.

    We are looking for enthusiastic and proactive people with a passion for the outdoors with good communication skills to fill 5 vacancies on the Forum.  In particular, we are keen to find new members from the following interest areas: landowners and managers, younger people (or those who can represent young people), equestrians and local business/tourism.

    Further information and a link to the online recruitment form can be found here: www.norfolk.gov.uk/nlaf

    If you have any queries, please email [email protected] or contact 0344 800 8020


    The closing date for applications is 31st January 2019.

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