• Council Tax Rebate News



    Article to help claim 25% Council Tax rebate if suffering from a Severe Mental Impairment as described in the article in the attached link, this rebate also applies to diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease as well as other impairments listed in the article.


  • Norwich Western Link public consultation

    Poster Norwich Western Link May 2018

    Norwich Western Link public consultation

    I am writing to let you know that next Tuesday (8 May) Norfolk County Council is launching a public consultation on whether there is a need to tackle transport issues to the west of Norwich.

    When we announced plans to build the Norwich Northern Distributor Road (now ‘Broadland Northway’) north and east of the city, a lot of people said they were concerned about congestion, rat-running and other issues to the west of the city. Many wanted us to fill in what they saw as a ‘missing link’ between the Fakenham Road (A1067) and the A47.

    And since plans to build the NDR were confirmed in 2015, some major changes to the area west of Norwich have been announced. Highways England intend to dual the A47 between North Tuddenham and Easton by 2022 and a food-related enterprise zone, known as the Easton Food Hub, is due to be established just south of the A47 at Easton.

    At this stage, we want to know people’s views and experiences of any transport issues that exist to the west of the city and what, if anything, they believe needs to be done to improve travel in this area.

    The public consultation will run from Tuesday, 8 May to Tuesday, 3 July and people can respond online at www.norfolk.gov.uk/nwl or in person at one of nine consultation events being held throughout May and June. You can find details of these events at www.norfolk.gov.uk/nwl.

    Once the consultation closes, we’ll analyse the responses over the summer and let people know the results later this year and what, if anything, we propose to do to tackle any of the transport issues identified.

    If you have any questions now or throughout the consultation, please get in touch via [email protected].


  • Greater Norwich Local Plan

    GNLP Poster

  • Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) Consultation

    Lingwood and Burlingham GNLP 2018

  • Public Rights of Way Survey Oct/Nov 2017

    Public Right of Way survey Oct/Nov 2017

  • Uk Power Networks Helpline


    As part of our preparation plans, UK Power Networks has organised for additional staff in our contact centre to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather, and we have called up additional engineers to carry out repairs to overhead lines and poles as soon as the wind reduces to a speed at which it is safe to work.

    We would be very grateful if you could share the information below with your local residents and constituents, so that they are aware of who to contact in the event their electricity is interrupted by the weather.

    Anyone experiencing a power cut should:

    • Call 105 to report power cuts and damage to the electricity network, or 0800 3163 105 (from a corded phone or mobile phone if you have no power)
    • Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk for the latest updates
    • Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut and type in their postcode to view our live power cut map
    • Tweet @ukpowernetworks to report a power cuts or to receive updates

    We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.

    We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with older or disabled people, those with children under five, or where someone uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity as well as other reasons can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority.

    If you would like to share information about preparing for the storm or the priority service register on social media you might like to use the following:

    @UKPowerNetworks has extra staff on hand 24/7 to deal with the impact of #stormFionn

    Call 105 to report a powercut and visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut for the latest updates

    Do you, or someone you know, need extra support during a power cut?

    @UKPowerNetworks provides free services to vulnerable customers. Visit ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority for more information #stormFionn

    I hope you find this information useful and please do feel free to share it with your local residents and community groups.


  • Friends Against Scams: pop up scams Advice Shops



  • Friends Against Scams: pop up scams Advice Shops


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