• Voluntary Norfolk

    Last year we launched an exciting new volunteer platform Get Involved Norfolk. This has become the go-to place for Norfolk charities and organisations to advertise a huge variety of opportunities, from Craft Workshop Volunteers, Hedgehog Carers, Trustees, Events Volunteers, Digital Champions, Board Game Club Leaders and a huge amount more – there are currently over 400 roles and something to peek everyone’s interest!

    It has also become the go-to place to search for a volunteering role. One of the charities advertising here has reported doubling their volunteers since advertising on this free platform.

    So this may not be ‘New News’ to you…but what is new is the Corporate Volunteering page – LIVE THIS WEEK!

    We thought you may have opportunities within your local area suitable for teams. Maybe a community garden that needs clearing? This is the ideal place to advertise a ‘project’ that could take a team maybe a day or 2 to complete or at least make a significant impact. Many organisations now offer their staff Employer-supported volunteering (ESV) – paid time during their working hours to volunteer. To meet the need for enquiries, we’ve created this addition to the Get Involved Norfolk site. Maybe have a chat with your teams or local community groups to identify an area that could benefit from ESV support.


    The other new page is The Big Help Out. We want to take this opportunity to encourage residents to think about coming together as a community, meet like-minded people and make meaningful connections.


    If you have events arranged for The Big Help out, we would like to support you in advertising these via our social channels. You can either tag us in or send the details to [email protected]

  • Council Elections

    Your Parish Council Needs you.

    If you wish to become a Parish Councillor, please complete the nomination pack and submit to Broadland District Council.  The Nomination pack and details of who can become a Parish Councillor are below.

    Nomination pack parish council election (6)


    BDC Part 1 Can you stand for election Parish LGE
    BDC Notice of Election Parish
    BDC Notice of Election District

    Have you had your say on Norfolk’s £600 million+ County Deal yet?
    You have just over 2 weeks to have your say on Norfolk’s County Deal.

    A County Deal for Norfolk is our devolution agreement with the government.

    Our public consultation on the deal closes on 20th March, if you haven’t taken part already, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the deal which would to unlock opportunities to deliver more jobs, housing and investment in our region and see major powers and funding transferred from Westminster to Norfolk.

    Agreeing the deal would mean that, from 2024 onwards, we can:

    • Target funding and resources to Norfolk’s own priorities
    • Receive £20 million each year for 30 years
    • Attract and retain new and key businesses and sectors
    • Invest in the skills we know we need
    • Unlock housing and employment sites
    • Have a council leader who is directly elected by the public, with the first election in May 2024
    • Raise our profile nationally, enabling our voice to be heard by Government and help shape future policies
    • The deal makes it clear that the County Council and Government are “minded” to agree a deal and that further steps, including public consultation, will be taken before any final decision.

    For further details on the deal and to take part in the consultation, please see www.norfolk.gov.uk/norfolkcountydeal.

    The consultation is open until 20th March 2023.


  • Please note the later start time of 7.10pm for the Public Meeting.

    Poster – Gypsy and Traveller site consultation 2023
  • The Public Meeting tonight will not start until the later time of 7.10pm, due to not being able to access the main hall until 7pm.

    Poster – Gypsy and Traveller site meeting 7th March 2023
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